Jumping right in to today's subject, Camp NaNoWriMo.
"Camp NaNoWriMo is a virtual writer’s retreat, designed for maximum flexibility and creativity. We have Camp sessions in both April and July, and we welcome word-count goals between 30 and 1,000,000. In addition, writers can tackle any project they’d like, including new novel drafts, revision, poetry, scripts, and short stories."
Last year in April I participated in my first Camp NaNoWriMo. My goal was 25,000 words. I met that goal and in the process finished the first draft of my novel Hope for Charity. Since then, I have been working on editing that manuscript. I have to say, I never dreamed it would take me this long. I didn't know back then how much I still had to learn. Two beta readers went over my first three chapters, which is what I hope to be sending as part of my proposal soon. I learned even more from their thorough inspection of my work. I never realized what a comma lover I am. 😃 Even though I love to read, I never enjoyed my grammar classes in school. Well, I sure wish I had paid more attention! I do believe the things I am learning now will help me in my future books, though.
My first three chapters are ready to be sent off. I have perfected them as much as I am able. I'm hoping to send my proposal out before the end of this month.

While my proposal is in the hands of the Literary Agents and Editor, who requested it, I hope to spend Camp NaNoWriMo in April perfecting the remaining chapters in my novel. My goal for the month is 50 hours. That means 50 dedicated hours of revising the remaining chapters in my book. I'll plan to give you updates throughout the month.
Because of my busy schedule next month, I won't have a new Read & Review book for April. I plan to have my March Read & Review done and posted on my website by March 31st, so make sure to check that out. If you haven't heard about the Read & Review for this month and you would like to participate, go to my website to find out more. Don't forget to subscribe while you're there!

Camp NaNoWriMo is different from NaNoWriMo, in that you have the choice of what part of your writing project you want to work on. NaNoWriMo is in November each year and there is a set goal of 50,000 words for everyone. I didn't do that this year, because I needed to work on editing. I am hoping to do it this next November and maybe finish my second novel during that time, if I haven't finished before then. There is also a Camp NaNoWriMo each July. Camp NaNoWriMo gives writers a great opportunity 3 months in the year, to have some dedicated time to work on their projects, while also building friendships with other writers.
Whatever kind of writing you do, if you do write, you can find a cabin that fits your style. It's a great way to form friendships with other writers. I encourage you to check it out.
Proposal Update:
Proposal Update:
As I said, I have my first three chapters ready to go. I am also supposed to send my synopsis, author bio, information about other writing projects and information about my platform building. The platform building part is the part that worries me most. Even though I have tried to be diligent in my efforts in several different areas ie. facebook, instagram, twitter, blogger and my website, I can't control who subscribes, follows, shares, likes, joins, etc., etc.. I just hope my numbers aren't too low. From everything I have read and learned, my platform performance is one of the main things publishers look for. If you are a writer and you haven't started to build your platform, you may want to start learning about it, especially if you want to be published traditionally. Even though I started the platform building process because I was told I needed to, I have really enjoyed the process. I have "met" new people. I have had to learn and grow. I have had to break out of my shell and be more outgoing. I feel that through this process, I have really learned to spread my wings and it feels good.
*I took a break after writing this post and listened to this short sermon. I think it was just what I needed to hear. God knows what I need for this proposal to be excepted. If He wants one of these Literary Agents or this Editor to choose to work with me, then I can trust that He will handle the details and give me wisdom to do what I need to do.
Thanks again for coming. Remember to follow, subscribe, share and join my email list so you don't miss anything. Also, take a trip to my website. I try to add at least a couple new things there each week. May God bless you and your family. Have a great week!
In Christ,