This month has been ultra busy for me. I'm beginning to wonder why Camp NaNoWriMo has to come in April. Why not January or September? They are usually slow months, aren't they? Awww, nevermind. I'm just spouting off.
Seriously, though, today's blog is simply sharing some of the things that have been going on in my life this month. So, stick around. I'd love your feedback, comments and questions. Don't be a stranger! Subscribe and join my tribe. Let me get to know you, too.
Camp NaNoWriMo, has been a huge part of my month. This is where I am right now:
Project: Hope for Charity
Progress: 46 hours
Goal: 50 hours
Tomorrow at 11:59pm is the deadline. As you can see, I have 4 more hours to reach my goal. I'm confident I can finish in plenty of time. That is if the creek don't rise, the Lord doesn't come back and an unforeseen calamity doesn't take place. Let me just say, though. If the Lord comes back first, I will be alright with that. Come Lord Jesus!
Anyway, I have been editing, editing, editing. I've been taking what I learned from my first three chapters through the rest of my manuscript. I'm on chapter 11 now. You may ask, "How many times are you going to go through that thing?" Well, until I'm satisfied I've done my best.
Anyway, I have been editing, editing, editing. I've been taking what I learned from my first three chapters through the rest of my manuscript. I'm on chapter 11 now. You may ask, "How many times are you going to go through that thing?" Well, until I'm satisfied I've done my best.
I've also been studying fiction proposals. Researching market analysis and competitive analysis. Did you know that writers don't just need to know how to write? Evidently, they need business degrees...JK. It sure seems that way, though. An English degree, business degree, communications degree, marketing degree...all would be pretty helpful about now. My psychology degree, may help with my writing at some point, but its pretty useless for the rest of this. 😄
My husband and I spent four days in Arizona. He at his conference and me on the patio of our hotel room working. At night we did most of our sightseeing and enjoying the Arizona atmosphere. It was a beautiful place. The plant life, so different from any I'm familiar with.
When we came back, we had family visiting so my work slowed down, but how could I resist a chance to visit with my loved ones?
Guess what came next? A surprise birthday party for me!!! I admit it. I hit a big one. 50. I can hardly believe it. I use to think 50 year olds were...old. But now that I am here, I can attest to the fact, we are not old. We've just experienced a little more and know a little more. Ok, maybe my body tries to convince me I am old now, but my mind refuses to believe it. Anyway, my husband and kids had evidently been planning this surprise since February. Somehow, I remained clueless until the SURPRISE, threw me into shock. I can't even explain all they did to make my birthday special. I am so blessed to have the family I have. Thank you, to all those who made my surprise party so awesome. Those who planned it and paid for it. Those who came, from near and far and those who sent notes and letters now memorialized in a shutterfly book for me. I am so thankful for each of you.
One other thing some of them did, you know who you are, they printed out my first year of blog posts and put them in a nice folder for me. How cool is that? I love my family. They are awesome!
One other thing some of them did, you know who you are, they printed out my first year of blog posts and put them in a nice folder for me. How cool is that? I love my family. They are awesome!
One more present, I have to mention because you may see them more in the future. I got baby chicks! 🐣🐤🐥 I had chickens before, but about 2 years ago, they were all killed by what we think were coyotes. 😭 I am thrilled to start my chicken adventures again, though.
Then came Easter. More family and more fun. Easter services, celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, hiding eggs, baskets of candy, new clothes, pictures, playing outside in the beautiful weather, etc., etc. All play and no work...
My real birthday came after that. Most of the family were gone, but a few still helped me with a little more celebrating. Fifty deserves more than one party doesn't it?
Believe it or not, I haven't even told you everything going on with me. Appointments, work on our hobby farm, cleaning, organizing...trying to find balance as usual. This month has been a pretty hard month to balance it all, but it's been good nevertheless.
Now, here I am. The day before my last day of Camp NaNoWriMo. Maybe 50 hours was a little too optimistic for such a busy month, but I think I'm gonna do it and I have to thank my husband for that. He has encouraged me, pushed me, gave up time for himself for me and even did some of my chores to give me extra time. Thanks, Sweet Hubby! You are the best and I love you dearly.
If you are like me, pushing to reach a goal. Keep at it. If it's a good goal, then it's worth the effort. I hope you are trusting the Lord to lead you, whatever it is. May God bless you and your family.
If you are like me, pushing to reach a goal. Keep at it. If it's a good goal, then it's worth the effort. I hope you are trusting the Lord to lead you, whatever it is. May God bless you and your family.
In Christ,
A reminder: May's Read&Review is, Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate