Welcome back to another Monday morning blog post. I hope everyone had a good last week and you are ready to tackle this one. This week, I am continuing with my recap of what happened with me at the ACFW 2018 Conference in Nashville, TN, by sharing with you my Journal entries, while I stayed at the @Opryland Resort, next door to the Grand Ole Opry. It was a fabulous hotel, absolutely beautiful. The little time I had to just walk around and enjoy the venue, was thoroughly enjoyed.
If you are a first time visitor, you might find it helpful to go back and read last week's post, before you continue.
Saturday morning 6:46am-I stopped writing in my journal last night, when @MaryConnealy came to sit down right next to me, to work on her latest book!!! It was so cool to sit there for an hour listening to a live band play and sing worship music, while Mary and I worked on our books beside each other!
(Continuing from last week's post.) Ok, I’ll finish what I was saying. The Editor, @GinaWelborn, asked if I would be willing to write Novellas that would be branches off my Novel, Hope for Charity. I had never thought of doing that before, but the idea did appeal to me. (What do you think?) Anyway, she asked for the first 3 chapters of my book, my Pitch, Synopsis and Proposal to be sent to her Publishing Agency, Forget Me Not Romances. I have since found out that they are an Indie Publisher, which is an independent press or smaller publisher not a part of a big conglomeration. This is not a bad thing, just something to consider. She also suggested I talk to a Literary Agent, @TamelaHancockMurray that they sometimes work with. It was a great first meeting and it was really nice to receive such positive feedback. At supper, Tamela, the Literary Agent, she wanted me to meet, was at the table next to mine. So, I built up my courage and approached her. I told her about my meeting with the Editor, told her the Editor’s name and that she suggested we meet. Tamela said her schedule was too full to meet at the conference, but she wants me to send my Proposal to her.
The classes I had yesterday, were amazing. I learned so much in each one and I really am excited to take what I’ve learned and put it into practice. I have four more classes today. One of them is being taught by @DiAnnMills! Ok, one last thing, before I have to go get ready for the day. Yesterday, I talked with DiAnn Mills, @ColleenCoble, Mary Connealy, @Kathleen Y’Barbo, @RachelHauck who is also leading the Worship service. I never thought I would be in such close proximity, to such big names in the Christian Writer’s world, much less walking to classes with them and having conversations. I can’t even say, just how special this is to me.
At 10:30am I have a meeting with another Literary Agent, @LindaGlaz, so hoping that goes well, too. Praying God will lead me to just the right one that is meant to work with me. Wow! The Linda Glaz said my Synopsis was done very well and she wants me to send my Proposal to her!! We had a great conversation about my book, my second book in progress and my efforts in the platform area. I am so stoked! This doesn’t mean that she will represent me or that the others will want to represent me, but when I send my Proposals in, my foot will be in the door. I was hoping for one person to tell me to send them my Proposal, but three is beyond my expectations…
My four classes: 1.) Historical Fiction moderated by @SarahSundin, 2.) Writing with Compelling Emotional Tension- DiAnn Mills, 3.) Face Off: Plotter vs. Pantster- @LynetteEason and @CarrieStuartParks, 4.) Engaging the Culture Through Fiction- Colleen Coble, were great. I have learned so much! Did I already say that? Well, I did and I can hardly wait to get home to start implementing my new found knowledge into my books.
6:00pm-The Gala…the last event of the Conference, where Authors win their awards. During the dinner, I sat by a lady, Cara or Kara (ugh, I so wish I had written her name down). We had a great conversation. I did give her my card, so maybe she'll see this and let me know. Remember her face from her picture below, if you like Women’s Fiction, you may see her someday soon.
One of my very favorite Authors, @TameraAlexander, won two 2018 Carol Awards for Historical Romance and Short Novel. I had no doubt she would. It was so nice, when she saw me after the ceremony and gave me a hug. I can’t believe she remembered meeting me the day before. She took a picture with me and even let me take a picture of her awards! Colleen Coble also came up to me and hugged my neck. These ladies, that I have looked up to for so long, are so sweet and....well, just regular people! Ha! Talented...Yes! Successful...Yes!, but still regular people and so easy to talk with. I love them even more now. I found Kathleen Y’Barbo and got a picture with her, too. Just so glad to have the opportunity to meet all these ladies, that have done so well in our field. They have set a really high standard. Hopefully, one day I can be on their level.
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Tamera Alexander and Sandy
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Tamera Alexander's Awards
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Sandy and Colleen Coble
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Sorry, my pic with Kathleen Y'Barbo turned out blurry.
One last thought, my whole life I always felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere. I didn’t know anyone else like me. This conference was full of people like me and I felt like I finally found a place where I fit in. That was a really good feeling. I’ll make every effort to make the next one. Thanks @ACFW, for the experience, I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.
Next week, I hope to share some of the things I learned in my classes. That may appeal to other Writers more, but I hope you will join me anyway. I will also try to give an update on the progress of my books and other things I am working on. Coming soon...I plan to post my Interview with Author @JodieWolfe (), check her out, a very impressive lady!
*Don't forget to push that follow button and submit your email address, so you can be notified when I post.
Have a great week and come back to see me next Monday (Lord Willing)! May God bless you and your family.
In Christ,
Enjoyed "meeting" your friends! Nice to know that there are a lot of young ladies just like you out there!! Excited that you got three requests. love you, mama
ReplyDeleteOh, forgot to say that I liked all the pictures. The place is beautiful and the pictures are cute :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! It was such a great trip and the venue and people were awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed reading about it and that you liked the pictures, too.☺