Introducing Author Jodie Wolfe:
Sandy: Will you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Jodie Wolfe: Here's my official bio:
Jodie Wolfe creates novels where hope and quirky meet. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and Romance Writers of America (RWA) and has been a semi-finalist and finalist in various writing contests. A former columnist for Home School Enrichment magazine, her articles can be found online at: Crosswalk, Christian Devotions, and Heirloom Audio. She's a contributor and co-founder of Stitches Thru Time blog. When not writing she enjoys spending time with her husband in Pennsylvania, reading, walking, and being a Grammie. Learn more at
You're a busy woman! Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule for us.
Sandy: How did your love of writing begin?
Jodie Wolfe: I would say that my love of writing began with two things - writing my first school assignment when I was in second grade and my love of reading which I've had all my life. My favorite books around that time were the Little House on the Prairie series. I soon was writing little stories of my own and the rest is history. ☺
Little House on the Prairie books are a good way to start. 😊
Sandy: When did you make the decision to write your first novel?
Jodie Wolfe: I was thirteen and at the time I was reading a lot of mysteries and decided to try my hand at writing one. It took me a few years, but I finally had a finished product - Laura MacKenzie and the Mysterious Kidnapping.
That's great! Thirteen and following your dream. Too many of us wait and waste so much time!
Sandy: You have authored and co-authored several novels and novellas now, how do you think you have grown from that first novel, to your latest, To Claim Her Heart?
Jodie Wolfe: That's a good question. I think with each thing I've written, I've learned a little more about the writing craft and ways to tug the heart of my readers.
It really is a learning process. There is talent that comes naturally, but the skill level can always be improved upon.
Sandy: As a Christian Historical/Romance Fiction Writer, I, of course, love this genre that you write in. I find it interesting how Authors choose the locations for their stories. Your story, To Claim Her Heart, is set at the Cherokee Strip Land Run, where is that located?
Jodie Wolfe: It's often referred to as the Cherokee Outlet, which was a sixty-mile strip of land in Oklahoma Territory, just south of the Kansas border.
Sandy: How did you choose the location for To Claim Her Heart?
Jodie Wolfe: My mother-in-law always wanted me to write a story set during the time period/place of the Cherokee Strip Land Run of 1893. It meant so much to her since she had several relatives who staked claims during this last great land run in our Nation.
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Glass Mountains which is about a mile from the property in my story (also the
family claim).
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The rock house built into the hillside is on the
original family claim and the house was built in 1894.
Sandy: Recently, the Cherokee Strip Land Run had its 125th anniversary. Will you tell us about the celebration?
Jodie Wolfe: Unfortunately due to state budget cuts in Oklahoma, there weren't a whole lot of special activities associated with the celebration this year. They did have one in Kiowa, but sadly it was in the early spring and I didn't hear about it until after the fact. I did host a slew of giveaways during this time though. The actual anniversary was September 16th.
I know your readers were glad for your generosity. Even though there wasn't as much of an official celebration going on, you celebrated in your own way. 🎉
Sandy: Will you share a little about the Cherokee Strip and what the Land Run was?
Jodie Wolfe: In 1893, land that formerly belonged to the Native Americans was opened for settlement. At noon on September 16th, over 115,000 people raced for only 42,000 parcels of land. It was the largest land run in our Nation. There were nine different starting places along the Kansas and Oklahoma Territory borders. People raced on foot, train, horseback, wagon, buggies, and even
Wow! That sounds like utter chaos, but certainly a wonderful opportunity for those who were successful in claiming a parcel of land.
Sandy: I love how you used your compilation of Mrs. Wiggleworth’s Essential Guide to Proper Etiquette and Manners of Refined Society, at the beginning of each chapter in To Claim Her Heart. I found it quite humorous. How did the compilation and including it in your book, come about?
Jodie Wolfe: I thought it would be fun to add sayings at the beginning of each chapter that featured the proper etiquette of the time period and also showed how my heroine, Elmer (Elsie) Smith usually did the total opposite. It made for a humorous contrast.
Yes, it did and I totally got what you were doing. Great idea!
Jodie Wolfe: I came up with the fictitious manner book. I had such positive feedback that I created an ebook of the compilation of Mrs. Wigglesworth's sayings. You can find it here.
Sandy: Are you working on any new projects now?
Jodie Wolfe: Yes, I'm working on a story that is set in the town where I live. It's been lots of fun to research and learn new things about its rich history. Its tentative title is Hannah's Quest. I'm also working on finding a home for a story I wrote quite a while ago, called Taming Julia.
I hope we see those come out real soon! I will be looking forward to it.
Sandy: How do you balance home, children, grandchildren, work, and everything else the Lord calls you to do?
Jodie Wolfe: Chuckle. I have good days and not so good days. ☺ It's a little easier for me in that my sons have been away from home for 5+ years now. I'm a retired home educator, so I have a fair amount of free time on my hands now. I do need to guard my time in regard to writing as it's easy to be asked to get busy with other things, and I try to be discerning of keeping time to write and do the things that I feel God has called me to do. It helps to start the day asking the Lord to order my steps to do the things He desires for me for that day.
That sounds like the best way to start a day.
Sandy: Tell us how to find you, To Claim Her Heart and the other books your have Authored and Co-Authored.
Jodie Wolfe: All of my books are available on Amazon. You can learn more about me here:
Purchase Link for To Claim Her Heart
The Following is the back cover of her book To Claim Her Heart:
Here's the official back cover blurb:
In 1893, on the eve of the great race for land, Benjamin David prays for God to guide him to his 'Promised Land. Finding property and preaching to the lost are his only ways of honoring his deceased fiancée. He hasn't counted on Elmer (Elsie) Smith claiming the same plot and refusing to leave. Not only is she a burr in his side, but she is full of the homesteading know-how he is sadly lacking.
Obtaining a claim in the Cherokee Strip Land Run is Elsie Smith's only hope for survival, and not just any plot, she has a specific one in mind. The land's not only a way to honor her pa and his life, but also to provide a livelihood for herself. She's willing to put in whatever it takes to get that piece of property, and Elsie's determined to keep it.
Her bitterness is what protects her, and she has no intentions of allowing that preacher to lay claim to her land . . . or her heart.
Jodie Wolfe: Thank you for having me here today, it's been a pleasure! I'd love to offer a free ebook to one of your readers.
Thank you, Jodie! I'm sure my readers will be excited to have a chance at your giveaway! I appreciate your time, it has been great fun! I pray the Lord will bless you and your family as you continue to follow His call on your life.
Alright, you heard her. She is offering a free ebook of To Claim Her Heart, to one of my readers. Here is what you need to do:
1. Comment on this post here on my blog page.
2. Tell Jodie how much you appreciate her coming and sharing with us.
3. Push the Follow button here on my blog.
4. Email me at
I will plan to announce the winner next Monday.
May God bless you and your family. Have a great week!
In Christ,
Thanks I enjoyed ready the interview. I’m thinking you should come visit me inPuero Rico while I’m here working with FEMA to learn how romantic these people are in this beautiful place...I spent the day in a rain forest...
ReplyDeleteDo they have some interesting history? I could do research...🤔😁 I'm glad you liked the interview. ☺
DeleteWow! That sounds fascinating!
DeleteLoved the questions you asked! Very informative!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Jodie gave me a great book and material to work with!☺
DeleteThanks for stopping by. :)
DeleteEnjoyed the interview with Jodie very much! It's amazing what a writer can do when the Lord has called them to write. Thank you for taking the time to interview with Sandy! (I've already pushed the "follow" button.)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed the interview, Gail. :)
DeleteThanks! So glad you enjoyed it! ☺