Monday, March 19, 2018

Even Fictional Characters Have to Eat!

I have a challenge for you or anyone you know who enjoys cooking.  I have three recipes, one savory and two sweets.  Recipes that have been around since or even earlier than the 18th century in England.  I want my readers to help me out.  The challenge is, cook one or all three of the recipes and serve it to your family or friends.  Then, get their feedback.  I want to know their favorite, least favorite and why.  

 Let me know by next Monday, March 26, 2018, if you want to take on the challenge.  Then, I want the feedback and votes in by Monday, April 2, 2018.  I will then tally up the Yea's and Nay's for each recipe and the one with the most Yea's and positive feedback will earn a spot in my book, because, even fictional characters have to eat!  If there is a tie, both recipes will go in the book.  I'm sure I can find a way to make it happen. 🙂

Now, do I have any takers?  Or, do I have to do all this cooking myself?  Although, I would love for someone else to cook for me.  😉  Seriously, I'm busy trying to finish my book, but I'll do what I have to do.  Hopefully, CampNaNoWrimo will help me do that in April.  (See my sandykayslawsonWriter Page on Facebook for more details on that.)

So, without further ado, here are the links to the recipes.  Thanks to the different websites for giving me the ability to share!

Happy Cooking, Voting and Eating!

Discussion?  Up for the Challenge?

In Christ,
Sandy Kay Slawson

1 comment:

  1. You will just have to wait and see what I ended up choosing! If anybody does end up trying any of these, though, I would like to hear about it. :)
