Monday, September 10, 2018

Stressed Out!

Here I am on another Monday....does anyone else think Monday's come around way too fast?  Not that I don't want to talk to you again, but it catches me off guard and I'm like, "What do I have to say, that they would care to hear about?"  So, I ramble away and hope something I say will mean something to somebody.   

I have determined though, that today I will not talk about the ACFW Conference that will be here IN 10 DAYS!!!!!!!  I have talked enough about all I have to do for that.  Is anybody sick of hearing about my to do list yet? ✋ If I am tired of talking about it, you must be tired of hearing about it.  Now, if this is your first time reading my blog, you may be a little lost.  If you go back and read my last several blog posts, you should be on track with the rest of us. (Don't worry though, when it is over, I will plan on letting you know how it went.)

I do want to talk about STRESS, because well, I have BOOCOODLES (a huge amount) of that right now.  I don't want to talk about the things that are causing me stress,  like 10 MORE DAYS!!!  I know I am not the only one with things going on in their lives that cause stress.  So, I want to talk about what I do to calm down and get through it.  Maybe, it will help me to think about the things that have helped me in the past and it might even help some of you, too.

Now, not all stress is from bad, sad or difficult situations, sometimes really happy or exciting things can cause stress.  Maybe, just because we are out of our comfort zone, our normal life is being interrupted or more is being added to our plate.  If you have a full plate already, but add a gourmet piece of pie to it, the pie is awesome, but something has to give to make room for it.


When I am stressed, there are things I do, that I know help me.  I may do some or all of them, depending on the situation.  Sometimes, I do other things first, but prayer is definitely what should come first.  I am a Christian.  I pray in Jesus' name.  I believe that He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.  So, since I believe that with all my heart, mind and soul, why would I seek any other answer?  I shouldn't, but I do believe the Lord has given us resources to use and I am thankful for them.

John 14:6
” 6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


Reading the Bible is so important.  I believe the Bible is God's Word.  Everything I need to know concerning how to live, how to go to Heaven, how to know God, how to avoid those things that will only cause heartache and pain, all of it can be found in the Bible.  I can also find joy, peace, comfort, strength, courage and confidence, in the Bible.  I am a proponent of reading the Bible cover to cover.  There are many Bible reading plans that can help you read the Bible through in a year, two years or even 90 days!  I have done all of those.  I don't want this to sound like I am bragging, I am not, but I have read the Bible through so many times, I have lost count.  I am telling you this to say, I really do believe in reading ALL of God's Word.  It can give you such a clear picture of God's story that He gave to us and how we fit into it.  So, I encourage you to pick a plan, stick to it and find out everything God wants you to know.  When I am stressed though, and looking for comfort, I tend to go to certain parts of the Bible to find it.  The Psalms are always a good place to read. Also, I love 1 Peter, 2 Peter...there are too many to write them all.  The point is, the Bible is the best place to search for help, when you are stressed.

2 Timothy 3:16
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,"


Sometimes I just need to escape into another life altogether, for a little while. If so, I may choose a fiction or a biography or autobiography to read. Those lives have nothing to do with me. I can read about them, put the book down and their problems stay within the pages of that book. I can sit back and enjoy "watching" other people deal with their situations, but I am not needed to solve anything.  I can choose any kind of book I want, to suit my feeling at the moment.  Maybe, I want a book that will give me advice on dealing with my situation.  For instance: When, I needed to know how to start editing my first novel, I started reading books that told me how to do it.  The whole editing process didn't seem quite so daunting, when I learned some useful ways to go about it.


Writing is a great way for me to deal with stress.  I can pore out my feelings onto the page.  Maybe not exactly my feelings, but I can focus on the feelings of a character and express those feelings in ways, I'm not so good at in real life.  I can make whatever situations they are going through work out exactly the way I want.  I can give them a friend to talk to or give them someone to take their feelings out on.  I can give them a post to kick or something to throw.  Are you getting the idea?  Sometimes, I write poems or songs, which are also great ways for me to get my feelings out, so I can face them and deal with them.  I also find that writing down the things I need to do helps.  You know, "To Do" lists.  Some of my lists are:  Morning Routine, Household Chores, Writing, Shopping, Nighttime Routine, etc.  As I check things off my lists, it feels really good and I can feel a little weight being lifted off my shoulders.  You don't have to be a Writer to keep lists, write in a journal, write letters (that is still done), etc.  Sometimes, even brainstorming can help.  Write down everything on your mind that needs doing or that you are feeling.  Confining those things to paper can make them feel more doable, manageable.  Instead of the mountain in our minds, we can have a real "list" of things that can be conquered one by one, step by step.  You CAN DO IT and so can I.


What I listen to, varies depending on the mood I am in.  If I want to wallow in a funky mood, then the music I choose will be whatever kind keeps me in that mood.  It could be anything from Mozart to Willie Nelson.  Or, if I want to maintain or achieve a cheerful attitude, I will choose something upbeat.  I love many different types of music.  Christian contemporary to hymns or classic country to 80's, are all options.  The point is, there is a song somewhere out there that can help me when I am stressed, if only for the length of that particular song.  I'll see if I can link a few of my "go to" songs for you...



Watching a show at night with my husband or family, can be a good time to just relax, decompress and get my mind off of what I still have to accomplish for the day.  Usually, our time to do this is at night while we eat our supper.  We watch one show while we eat, then I'm off and running again.  Many times though, while I am working on cooking, cleaning, or other household duties, that is when I will watch YouTube.  I watch Writers/Authors that are giving advice on specific things related to writing, editing, etc.  I watch people like @lovemeg09 or @clutterbug or @doitonadime.  They have been great for helping me come up with my routines, organizing and getting my house clean and in order.   I use to call myself an Organizer Wannabe, but not anymore.  By watching those shows and others, I have learned that the "secret" to a clean and orderly home, is not unattainable, even for someone who wasn't born with the organizer gene.  Learning from those who know more than me, in certain areas, can really help with stress.  All of a sudden, something that seemed so unattainable or beyond me, becomes attainable.  As I gain knowledge, I gain confidence.  You can gain knowledge in many ways, I already mentioned reading, but maybe you have someone to talk to that could help.  Writers groups on FaceBook have been a big help to me.  Maybe it's a grandma, mom, dad, boss, friend, pastor, counselor...don't be afraid to seek out help.  I use to be too scared, or maybe it was too proud to ask for help, but now I am going to those who know what they are doing.  I am learning and it is really making a big difference.  Here are a few of the YouTubbers that have really been a help to me:



It is hard to stay stressed, when I am thinking about how thankful I am for all that the Lord has blessed me with.  When I walk around our property, see the beauty of God's creation, look at my children and grandchildren and take time to just enjoy the things the Lord has blessed me with, I can rest with a calm mind.  When I just stop for a moment, think about all the Lord has brought me through, I can have peace.  Whatever this life holds from day to day, I can rest in the knowledge, that the Lord Jesus is in control and I can trust Him.  I may make my plans and my lists, but truly it is the Lord who guides my footsteps.  Worrying, stressing, fretting...all of it is really in vain.  The Lord's Will for me will be accomplished and that is what I want for my life, only what He wants for me.

I hope that this has helped you today.  It has helped me.  I feel much calmer now, than when I started writing this.  Sometimes, it is good to stop, breathe and refocus on what we know to be true.  May God bless you and your family.

In Christ,


P.S. No blog post next Monday.  I will plan to post again after my Conference.  Pray for me!


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  3. Thanks for your encouragement, Sandy! One area I've always found that helps me is to make lists. This clears my mind and gives me less stress. Of course, prayer and Bible reading have been a part of my life for a long time, although it's a constant commitment to keep it going, but the joys of it have brought me much comfort, peace and joy. Yes, I like to write too, but not books! ha I stay with blogs about Bible encouragement!
    Yes, I will certainly be praying for you as you go to the conference. Especially that you turn over your desires and dreams to the One who takes care of everything, submitting to His will for your life. For the LORD is the One who does all things right. After all, who else would you want to trust your life with? Love you much!

    I'll leave you with this Bible verse:Ephesians 3:20-21 English Standard Version (ESV)

    20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

  4. Thank you! I'm glad the post was an encouragement for you. The Bible verses you shared, are definitely encouraging to me! Love you, too!
