Monday, September 3, 2018

Poetry in Motion

(When I wrote this Blog post yesterday morning, I didn't realize I would have no internet for most of the day.  Also, my technological inexperience would make various challenges in posting my pictures, beyond my ability to fix, without time or internet access.  I know....excuses...excuses...Anyway, sorry my Monday blog is being posted on a Tuesday, at least I hope it will post today.  Just know that I will try my best to get my blogs out on Mondays, but if you don't see my post, please keep an eye out for my next one, I'll get it out asap, unless I've warned you ahead of time, when my next post will come out.  Anyone here reading this now, I am so glad you dropped in and I hope you will come again.)

Wow! Time Flies!  Another Monday is here already!  Well, I hope you are all doing good and looking forward to another week.  I am not going to give you another run down of my to do list today, but I do want to give a quick update.  Although, no one made comments on here, I did get some comments from a few other places, where I shared my blog.  I was given some very helpful hints on writing my Synopsis as well as a couple other tips.  Thanks to those who shared some advice, it was truly appreciated!  Another, update is, I am almost done editing Chapter 24 of my first book.  My problem... I also added more to my story.  That made Chapter 24 almost as long as two chapters, hmmm.  So, now I may end up adding a little more, then splitting Chapter 24 into a Chapter 24 and 25.   Also, excited to say, my business cards came in! Yay! Thanks @vistaprint!  They look great!! Now, I will have plenty to pass around at the conference.  So, that is where I am right now.  

Today, though, I really want to share with you a part of my writing life, I don't talk about much.  Poetry...I like to write poetry.  I have written way more in my head, than I have put down on paper, but lately, I have tried to make an effort to take the time to put it in writing.  I have shared most of them, but not all in the same place, so you may or may not have seen them.  Do I consider myself a Poet?  I guess if you write poetry, that makes you a Poet...maybe, but I can't tell you the rules of poetry.  I can't really tell you the types of poetry.  I just know that sometimes, there is a poem in my head, that I can't forget, until I get it on paper.  Then there are some, I can't even forget then, until I share them.  So, all I can figure is, the Lord must want someone else to see it.  I don't know who or why, but He knows and so I share it, hoping it speaks to someone.

The first poem I want to share today, is my latest.  I wrote it recently, after my daughter's wedding.  With each of my children that have left home, our family dynamics have changed.  When, my first daughter left home, I remember mourning the loss of life as we knew it.  I think I cried for almost a solid month.  The Lord helped use this song to bring me out of that dark time, and it has helped me many times since.  

  Then, just when I got use to the new "normal," another child would leave.  I have learned, though, that change can be good and although they left, they didn't leave the hole their leaving made. They filled it back up, with new people for us to love.  So, here is my latest poem, reminding myself to stop looking at the past, where there nothing for me and look forward to life.

I realize it can be a little hard to read, but I made it a little fuzzy on purpose.  Why? Well, because, I was thinking about the memories of the past growing fuzzy, blurry, before fading away.  Even though that fuzzy or blurry font didn't mean anything to anyone else, I imagine, it did mean something to me.

My next poem is one I wrote not long after my fourth grandchild was born, which was only a couple of months ago.  On my mind though, was not just him, or even just my other grandchildren, but my own children and how they were so little at one time, but grew to not need me as much least not for the same things.  Not all my poems are so sad or depressing, but poetry is a way for me to express myself, happy or sad, I try to write honestly.  If you want to know who I am, reading my poetry, is probably the best way.  I am an introvert and expressing myself doesn't come easy, but somehow writing my feelings comes easy.  Saying words out loud seems so hard.

I don't remember why I wrote my next poem, but it is pretty self-explanatory.  I guess I just wanted to explain how I can be known better.  Like I said, I am an introvert.  It is hard for people who read my writing or even talk to me about writing to understand that.  You are getting a different picture of me, but really the picture you get is a pretty clear representation of who I really am.  People who have known me for years, read my writing and say, "I never knew that about you."  or some similar statement of surprise.  My first blog title "Introducing Me," was not used lightly.  I knew, it would be an introduction for those who didn't know me at all and for those who thought they knew me already.

I just want to share one more poem.  It was just for fun, but it is really so true and any introvert knows exactly what I am talking about.  

Well, I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the thoughts behind some of my poems.  I don't ever know when I will wake up and have a poem stuck on my mind or when one will just pop into my mind in the middle of the day.  I guess the Lord has a reason for giving me at least some of them.  If any of my poems have made an impact on you or given you food for thought, I hope you'll share that with me.  I would love to know.  May God bless you and your family.

In Christ,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Although I'm not a poet, I certainly enjoyed your poems!

    I can tell you this---as I have grown older and my physical body is far from what it used to be, I have learned to take pleasure in watching our children become families of their own: children who want to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, children who are strong, independent, self sufficient, facing their good times and trials on their own. I know that by God's Grace my husband and I have done something right. I'm thankful that we are still together, taking care of each other, sharing life together and doing all those everyday things that still need to be done like cooking, cleaning, washing, and grocery shopping, writing a blog, as well as keeping the yard cut, repairing things, building things in the workshop etc. I praise the Lord for His goodness, faithfulness and strength. He is my All in All.

    1. Since I have been part of your family for over 29 years, I can attest, that y'all did many things right! Letting go of our children is hard, but watching them grow and flourish is its own kind of joy. Thanks for sharing! So much of what I have learned has come from you. Love you!

    2. I love you too, Sandy! You are an amazing young lady, and I'm so thankful I'm learning even more about you than I knew before!! I like your statement "watching them grow and flourish is its own kind of joy." That's a beautiful way to express it! It has it's own kind of peace and contentment.
