Monday, November 26, 2018

Still Thankful, Still Learning

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends.  Thanksgiving doesn't need to stop, though.  It should be an everyday attitude.  A thankful heart leads to positivity.  Positivity leads to productivity. Productivity leads to goals being met. Goals being met, leads to dreams come true.  If we are thankful to the Lord God, seeking His Will for our lives, He may give us new goals and new dreams, but He will help us to fulfill the purposes He created us for.

Leading up to Thanksgiving, my husband and I took a trip for his work to North Carolina.  We took a few extra days to visit family and friends.  A couple of those days were spent at a cabin in the mountains, where I had several hours of alone time.  Can anyone guess what I did?  I edited my first three chapters of my novel Hope for Charity.  Then I sent them off to two beta readers.  I then started researching how to write an Author Bio and began that.  Its harder to do, than I thought it would be. What is best for Literary Agents,  Publishers and Readers to know about me?  A good question, but no easy answer.

One of the things I read, when researching Author Bio's, was that it is good for Writer's to have won contests, so they can add their wins in the off I go researching Writer contests.  Next thing I know, I am writing a short story, due this Friday.  Wow, am I crazy?  My plate is soooo full already, but the story came to my mind, so why not write it down? Will I win the contest?  I think I have a chance, but I am sure the competition will be fierce.  There is also another contest, where I can submit 6 of my poems.  So, if you have any favorites from the poems I have posted, I would love to know.  It might help me choose my 6 to submit. 

I am also in the process of designing my website.  I am very excited about this.  It should make finding me on all my social media sites easier and I can do some other things, I have been wanting to do, too, like start a quarterly newsletter.  I'll let you know, when its up and running.

Thanksgiving was a great time to visit and play with the family.  I actually had three Thanksgiving dinners, "Fishgiving" with my family on the Gulf Coast (can you guess what we ate?), Thanksgiving with my husband's family. Then, we had Thanksgiving dinner with all our children, their spouses and their children. Guess who has some more extra weight to lose..., if we didn't have so many great cooks, in the family, I wouldn't be facing this problem. 😄

Well, time to get to work. May God Bless you and your family. Thanks for stopping by!

In Christ,


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