Monday, December 10, 2018

Life Lessons

Hello and good Monday morning.  I'm happy you could join me today. As many of you know, I have been working on a short story to submit to a contest. That deadline is today. My story is written. My cover letter is written and my short bio is done. But...the formatting is beyond my skill set. So, I called in my genius husband, who plans to help me finish up and get it in today. Thank you, Lord for my husband!

Well, I thought today about ranting on the evils of formatting, but decided not to put you through that torment. Instead, I want to talk about a few life lessons I have learned so far in my journey to become a published author. Maybe, some of the things I've learned, will help you, too.

When we are born, we have talents and personalities already embedded in our DNA. Our environment can either encourage us or discourage us along the way. If we have parents, grandparents or others in our life that help and encourage us, we are more likely to excel. If we don't, then it will be a harder road ahead. Certain personalities will push forward no matter the obstacles, but others will grow discouraged and give up. 

If we lose heart and get stuck, no matter our skill or talents we will not be able to reach our full potential. Sometimes what holds us back is fear or self-doubt. Maybe we fear rejection or failure. May we doubt our ability to accomplish those things we dream of accomplishing. Believe me, I know all about that. Why do you think it has taken me so many years to follow my dreams? Fear and self-doubt can be debilitating. 

Maybe it's laziness. Maybe you enjoy vegetating and watching life go by. You want to give the least amount of effort possible to survive. You're born, you breathe, you die. What a depressing thought that is. I personally believe in Heaven and Hell. I believe that there will be an eternity in both of those places. What you believe and what you do in this life matters. We have all been given an awesome gift, the gift of life. On top of that, we have each been given personalities and talents, that the Lord God expects us to use. Not for ourselves, but for His glory and to be a blessing to others. To show how great He is. Don't waste this gift. Don't let life pass you by. Don't be happy in your comfort zone.

If it's fear or self-doubt holding you back, there is help. I have learned that it is OK to say, "I don't know. I need help." Maybe there are some people who will look down on you or me, but if they are that type of person, I don't really care what they think and you shouldn't either. What I have found is that people respect someone who wants to learn. Nobody likes a know it all. Why? Because nobody but God knows it all. We all need someone to teach us, we all need to be willing to learn. There are so many opportunities to learn available for every learning style. There really are no excuses anymore. You can find motivation, examples, people who have done what you want to do, classes, tutorials on YouTube, books...the list goes on and on.

Whether we feel stuck, ill equipped, held back or just plain lazy, we can change, especially if we seek direction and guidance from the Lord Jesus. He made us and He cares about how we use this life He gave us. Remember, it is not just about you. Your life affects so many others, not just for this life, but the life to come. Be a good steward. Don't squander these precious gifts.

One of the best lessons I have learned, is that no matter how much I have already learned, there is still more to learn. (How many times have I used the word learn so far...?) I've said it many times, but I didn't come up with it, "You learn something new everyday." That is especially true, when you are actively seeking to learn. (Ok, I have learned I need a different word than learn.)

According to, I could have used any of these words...

Synonyms for learn - verb acquire information

determine, enroll, gain, get, grasp, master, pick up, read, receive, review, study, apprentice, attain, con, cram, grind, imbibe, lucubrate, matriculate, memorize, peruse, prepare, be taught, be trained, become able, become versed, brush up on, burn midnight oil, commit to memory, crack the books, drink in, get down pat, get the hang of, get the knack of, improve mind, major in, minor in, pore over, soak up, specialize intake course, take in, train in, wade through
That is just a silly example of me realizing I needed help, because I caught myself using a word too much. So, easy peasy I looked it up and found what I needed to make my blog better. I was about to go back and change a substantial portion of my words, but then I thought I could use my mistake as an example for you. Don't be afraid to make a mistake, only be afraid if you have no desire to be taught or improve.

Don't let life pass you by with nothing much to show for it. Even if the only legacy you leave is, "They always tried to improve." That may be enough to help someone else reach their full potential. 
May God bless you and your family as you try to live the lives, He created you to live.

In Christ,



  1. Love this, Sandy! Hard to believe there are that many words to use in place of "learn." Keep up the good work!!

  2. Thanks! I think its good for us to commit to memory new and unique ways of saying things. My repentiveness becomes more obvious to me when we write.
