Monday, August 20, 2018

I Survived

So, here I am.  I survived last week.  I am exhausted, but I did it.  Not by myself, by any means, but I worked until I thought I would drop.  Yesterday, I slept late, took a nap and still felt as if my head was in a fog.  Today, I feel better, but not 100%.  No rest for the weary, though.  Summer is officially over and I have a ton of stuff to do.  Some of you may be wondering what I am whining about.  Well, I am not really whining...well maybe a little, but I am telling y'all about my week last week, which included my youngest daughter's wedding on Saturday.

Here are some of the things that went on last week...

1.  My glasses broke.  I can't read without glasses.  I tried holding my old glasses up and looking through them, but doing computer work with one hand, is slow and cumbersome.  Thankfully, my new glasses came in by Thursday and my life improved tremendously (except for sore ears trying to get use to new glasses).

   Happy about my new glasses!

2.  My daughter started work 2 hours away on Monday, at her teaching job (she graduated college in May).  She is the daughter getting married.  She was 2 hours away, while much stuff was being done here at home to get ready for her wedding.  Thankfully, she was able to get Thursday and Friday off, so she came home Wednesday night.  Once she got home, me, her and my oldest daughter worked almost non-stop getting ready for the Wedding.

3.  I digress...Tues. my husband and I drove that 2 hours to help my daughter and her fiancé find a place to live after they got married.  Long story, but the clock was ticking.  Anyway, we were successful and after their Honeymoon they will have a home to go to.  While we were gone from home, our electricity was turned off, while the electric lines were being moved, for the concrete to be poured for my oldest daughter and her family's home that is being built on our property.

4.  Wednesday, the concrete was poured. Yay! All went well with that, I was not home for most of it, though, because I was running all over town running errands for the wedding.  

5. Thursday started with me running to get my glasses that had come in and errands.  Then, my husband and I loaded his truck and my car with all the decorations, food and supplies.  We took them to the church, where the wedding and reception were being held.  The rest of the day, into the night was spent decorating the church and reception areas, food prep, and clothes shopping for my husband and son. (I know, I know...we really procrastinated on that, but thankfully we found exactly what we wanted.)

6.  Friday, more errands, more decorating, more food prep, then a race to the nail salon where I met my daughter and the other bridesmaids to get manicures and pedicures.  I was the last one done, so I raced home, got ready for the rehearsal and flew back to the church for the rehearsal.  Traffic was backed up everywhere, because of a terrible accident, but we made it (unfortunately others coming from out of town did not).  Then after the rehearsal dinner at another location, we dropped of my daughter that was getting married at home to go to bed early.  Then, my husband and I met our oldest daughter and a few others at the church to finish getting ready for the big day.  We left sometime after midnight, went home and fell into bed exhausted, but feeling good about what we had accomplished. 

7.  Wedding Day, we had a last family breakfast with our still unmarried daughter.  Listened to "The Daily Motivatora tradition in our family for years, when all the kids lived at home.  That particular day's post was perfect.  Then all the girls got ready and raced off for the Salon, where a long time friend of our oldest daughter, who had once been a neighbor, did make-up and hair for most of the bridal party and me.  My daughter getting married and I were first, so when we were done, I took her back to the church, so she could hide away before the groom arrived, I then started working on food, until the help we had hired for the day arrived to take over.  Then I worked with my husband who had arrived, to finish setting up flowers in the sanctuary, until people shooed me off to go get dressed.  First though, I helped my daughter into her wedding dress.  I got dressed in the nick of time, before time to meet with the others to be escorted into the church, but I wouldn't leave my girl, until I had a moment to talk to her.  

Well, I could go on and on, telling you all about the beautiful ceremony and reception.  The laughs, the tears, the stress, the joys and sadness...that filled every moment of last week, but I hadn't planned on this post being that long.  Right now, I am looking at a living room filled with wedding decorations that need to be put away...somewhere...and my kitchen is filled with them, too.  So, as much as I would like to keep "talking" to you about it all (there were some really great moments...), I'll just end with turned out better than we'd hoped.  My daughter was a beautiful bride and I gained a wonderful new son.  We are blessed.  God is Good.  I am tired, but very very thankful.

                    Some of the mess in my house now.                                                            

    The Happy Couple!

Next, week I hope to have lots to share about all I have accomplished on my editing and writing and my preparations for the ACFW conference.   I hope you'll join me then.

In Christ,



  1. What a wonderful job you did on the wedding for Kristy and Chase! So proud of you!

  2. Thank you! I was all came together! :) Thanks also for your fabulous Shrimp Dip!
