Monday, April 2, 2018


As of yesterday, CampNaNoWriMo has started!  The race is on and I have set a goal of finishing my novel by the end of April.  I can hardly believe I am that close!  The years of dreaming about and working toward the writing of my novel "Hope for Charity", are so close to being realized, I can almost taste it.  Will the work stop at writing The End?  No, but getting my story written, even if it's not perfect enough for reader's eyes yet, it will be something I thought may never happen.  Thank the Lord, though, that through the support of my husband and family and a desire the Lord Himself placed in my heart, I can see the finish line.

CampNaNoWriMo stands for Camp National Novel Writing Month.  Here is a quote from their website  "Camp NaNoWriMo is a virtual writer’s retreat, designed for maximum flexibility and creativity." We have Camp sessions in both April and July, and we welcome word-count goals between 30 and 1,000,000. In addition, writers can tackle any project they’d like, including new novel drafts, revision, poetry, scripts, and short stories." 

I am in a virtual cabin with 14 other women.  This is National, so there are many, many Writers working with other Writers in their own "cabins".  My group is all Christian Women Writers and the point of breaking off into these "cabins" is to encourage and support each other as we reach for the different goals we have each set.  After I write, I enter in my word count and there is a graph and chart that shows me where I am in reaching my goal.   

The goal I have had for about the last year and a half, has been to reach 80,000 words.  As of today, I am at 80,087!!   That isn't quite enough to finish my story, but it means I am almost there.  I am so happy to reach that goal, though, because when I made it, it seemed almost impossible. 

Philippians 4:13 
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. "   

If it is God's Will for me, then I will finish the race to complete this book and the race to finish this life and I will do it well, for His glory.

2 Timothy 4:7 
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

Discussion, Comments and Questions:


  1. This is wonderful, Sandy Kay Slawson Writer! So excited to see you close to accomplishing this goal. Looking forward to some day in the near future actually reading the book! Praising the Lord for your persistence and your determination and your desire to bring God glory!

  2. Thank you! I am very excited and motivated to see this thing through. I appreciate the encouragement and support. Whatever I accomplish, though, is because the Lord has been with me through it all and given me the ability to do it.
