Monday, July 16, 2018

Family Interview: Part 1

Happy MondayBlog Morning!  It's good to be back with y'all today. I have been looking forward to this Blog, because I will be learning some things today, too, I think.  I hope you are excited about the week and ready to make some positive changes and progress, for the Glory of God!  I am excited about all the positive changes I have been making, but right now I don't want to talk about myself.

When people make big changes in their life,  following a dream (as in my case), weight loss, new job, marriages, babies, promotions, etc., they like to talk about that.  In fact even when the changes aren't good, they like to talk about it.  Some people more than others, but lately I have been wanting to see my life changes from a new perspective.  After all, my changes have not just affected me, they have affected those closest to me.

So, I want to know what they think.  I sent the following questions to my husband and he sent me his answers.  I did not censor him or prepare him, in any way.  Next week, I hope to hear from at least some of my "children" and their spouses.  This is their chance to sound off, give their opinions, positive or negative.  I hope this will not just be something new you learn about them or me, but that it will be a way for me to learn, grow and make this whole experience better for us all.

Sandy Kay: Tell me a little about yourself.

Husband: "I'm 48, O positive and all my body parts seem to be functioning.  I study things more than most people.  I enjoy experimenting.  I play with my grandkids, encourage my family and encourage others.  Work on my hobby farm.  All while striving for Holiness, because that is where true joy is found, in the Lord Jesus, glorifying God. Currently enjoying genealogy research.  I enjoy exploring thoughts and activities involved with efficiencies of outdoor activities such as, hiking, camping, backpacking, and especially journalling and exploring my own thoughts about life and existence while doing such activities.  Occasionally, I pick up an instrument.  The majority of my time, is spent trying to provide the encouragement of Mr. Rodgers, with the grease of Daddy Warbucks, blended with the strictness of a taskmaster, salted with flavors of Robin Williams and Jim Carrey...all while cloaking myself with the naivety of Gomer Pile, yet admittedly imagining myself as some sort of James Bond/Batman/Jack Bauer blend."
(You're the best of them all!)

Sandy Kay: Tell me a little about your relationship with Sandy, before she began to seriously write.

Husband:  "When I look back over the first 25 years or so of our marriage, in hindsight, I see an introverted feeler (Sandy Kay) and an introverted thinker adopting the Little House on the Prairie model to the start of the third millennium, with persistence (deep-rooted loving foundational persistence), through the pot holes, the blind siding projectiles, and the obstacles disguised as impenetrable walls that inevitably arise when striving to create a loving family in a well-maintained home suitable for raising the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, striving to create rich memories through enjoyment of daily routines, weekly reminders and traditional holidays and birthday celebrations.  That said...there have been tremendous frustrations due not to differences in goals and dreams, but due to a difference in our communication styles and inability to read each other's minds.  Sandy Kay has been a faithful, loving, hard working wife, friend, helper, companion and trusted confidant.  She's always found time to sneak away and read.  Sometimes oblivious to her surroundings, she can possess an amazing dedicated focus on anything she becomes interested in, for example a trip to the zoo can become frustration, because she may miss the 3 o'clock Elephant show, because she decided to pet and feed the goats at the petting zoo and lost track of time imagining the feelings of the goat (and possibly even imagining that she is the goat)."
(I admit I love goats, but I have never imagined myself to be a goat! πŸ˜„)

Sandy Kay:  What are biggest changes to your family dynamics since Sandy started writing seriously?

Husband: "Sandy Kay was more of a drifter during a typical day.  She had some solid routines, but much of her day could probably be described a "going through the motions".  But now, in order to have time to write, she seems to be much more focused and energized.  She has perked up."

Sandy Kay:  What are the biggest changes you've seen in Sandy, since she became a serious Writer?

Husband: "Her writing speed is impressive.  Writing scenes with detail in a short amount of time is something which most people probably cannot relate.  Conversations have improved.  Her natural tendency is to quietly wait for others to initiate conversations.  Perhaps the writing has something to do with her initiating more conversations."

Sandy Kay:  Overall, do you feel that the changes in your home and relationships are more positive or negative?

Husband:  "Definitely positive.  Witnessing a creative person blossom in her creative side has been enjoyable.  She's excelled in so many other areas (in college, in her motherhood, in volunteer ministries, etc.)  I guess it's no surprise that she is excelling at writing now that it has more of her focused attention.  That said, when a person has found joy in a new endeavor that fits well with the rest of her life, it spills over into positiveness in all areas."

Sandy Kay:  How could the changes and relationships improve?

Husband:  "This is a tricky question?  Should I say everything is perfect?  Is that the good husband answer?  Overall, it's great!  There are probably some times where she gets in the zone of writing and a lot of time can pass.  But, it's understandable.
(True...sometimes when I plan to sit down for 30 minutes or an hour to thing I know it's been 2 hours or more, especially when there is no one around to interrupt me.)

Sandy Kay:  Anything else you want to add?

Husband:  "Anyone who has a desire to write shouldn't wait.  Set aside some dedicated minutes every day and write, write, write.  Sandy Kay is a good role model to follow for how to get started, despite all the other things going on in life.  Using her creative side has actually boosted her overall joy in everything she does."
(Thank you 😊)

(He made this for me years ago. πŸ’˜)

I appreciate my Husband for taking the time to answer these questions.  I know it wasn't easy for him, but I really am glad for the honest feedback.  If you have made significant changes in your life, that affect those around you, maybe it would be a good idea to get feedback from them, too.  We are not islands unto ourselves,  even if we are completely without family, there are still people in our lives that our choices can affect...friends, coworkers, may find it a learning experience and an opportunity to improve.

In Christ,


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