5:19am-Woke up a minute, before my alarm went off. ๐
This is when I have my personal devotion and prayer. My verse for the morning:
I thought this was a good one for today, since I am sharing part of my life with you. After my devotion, I head to the kitchen. I usually program the coffee pot at night to start brewing at 5am. I am always glad to see when it actually did what I told it to. ๐
5:39am-I take coffee and water to my Hubby to wake him up.
5:43am-Making breakfast...everyone likes something a little different. The seasoning I put on my husband's egg is a mixture of: black pepper, no salt salt, cayenne pepper and turmeric.
These dishes are the survivors from past sets. It is on my list to get a new dish set soon and let these poor over used pieces rest in peace.
5:57am-Wake up "kids" (the 2 at home right now are 16 and 22). Empty dishwasher (I try to start it every night, before bed. I unload it first thing and then it is ready to receive dirty dishes throughout the day and not pile up in my sink.)
Before I load any more dishes, I put the dish detergent in. This is our signal that what is in the dishwasher is dirty.
Running late for family Bible Reading!
6:06am-Second wake-up call.
6:09am-Still waiting for kids to drag themselves into our room...
6:12am-All accounted for...Waking up Hubby again...
6:18am-Talking...talking...Hubby wondering why I am taking notes...(my blog notes)
6:21am-Ready to start! Here is part of our Bible Reading plan and our reading for the day. We are a little behind, because of some summer camps, but we are slowly catching up.
6:49am-Finished Bible Reading, talking about plans for the day.
(Be back in a moment...Calm down, Sandy....you can do it! You only have a few more thousand words to write. It will be alright! Breathe...)
Ok, I'm back. I just needed a little self-talk therapy.
7:08am-Pray with the family. CHARGE!
7:14am-Jotted down a title for a poem, I am thinking of writing. No time today, though.
7:15am-Make bed
I like to have different pillowcases, just because.
Can you tell I like horses?
7:20am-Back stretches...nobody wants to see that.
7:31am-Remind son to take trash and recycling down to the road.
7:35am-Work on grocery pick up list.
My new YouTube Channel: The Homemaker/Writer Life
8:05am-Finished grocery order, pickup between 12:00pm-1:00pm.
8:15am-Created YouTube Channel so I could put a self-made video on blog.
8:16am-Checked on clothes, while waiting on video to upload and found that my daughter had already switched them. Yay! Thanks, Daughter 1!
8:17am-Video Uploaded! Thus, my YouTube Channel has begun...wow.
8:20am-Time to get our essential ingredients we eat everyday together, either with Kiefer or on pancakes (sometimes I mix a little peanut butter with them, too).
This includes: Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Raw Almonds, Raw Pecans, Raw Walnuts, Unsalted Sunflower seeds, Raw Pumpkin seeds, Unsalted Brazil nuts, Unsalted Cashews, Dried Cranberries, Prunes, Cinnamon, Unsalted Pistachios. Before we eat this, we add in blueberries, blackberries and a fig.
9:03am-Package up the mixture, it should last us a week at 1 each for my hubby and I, a day.
9:11am-Make Hubby's beef bone broth. 1/3 BBB, 2/3 water, mix, heat and put in thermos.
9:18am-Put Eucalyptus and Peppermint essential oils in diffuser. (Gives me a boost, when I am starting to get tired.)
9:22am-Made video of Hubby's usual No (low) Carb day breakfast.
YouTube Channel: The Homemaker/Writer Life
9:31am-Unload and fold clothes from dryer.
9:33am-Pause: Hungry Hubby needs food. ๐ฌ
This is his nut mixture with the Keifer, blueberries, blackberries and a fig added.
9:43am-Back to clothes...and watching a #lovemeg on YouTube, while I fold clothes.
It's folded...not neatly, but it's folded.
9:51am-Switched clothes from washer to dryer.
9:52am-Put away clothes. (Done with laundry until I start a load before bed.)
9:57am-Changed name on YouTube Channel to "The Homemaker/Writer Life".
10:04am-Freezer Organization (this was an unplanned chore...my husband and daughter 2 defrosted the freezer, so they asked me to put things back the way I wanted them)
I doubt those labels will last in there, but I'll try to find something better soon.
10:23am-Coffee break
A little elevator music while you wait...
10:37am-Responded to a message from Daughter 2's Fiancรฉ.
10:38am-Time to vacuum my Living Room, Kitchen and Laundry Room with my new Dyson V8 Animal! Lovin' it!!
My Laundry Room is undergoing renovations now, so hopefully it will be looking good soon.
11:03am-Ooopps! I was wrong, I need to do a load of wet towels from the freezer defrosting.
11:07am-Refilled Brita water filter pitcher. I drink way more water, since we got this.
11:12am-Rinsed out tub and started filling it, for my bath.
11:15am--Get ready for the second part of my day.
11:44am-Ready for a little make-up.
12:00pm-Time to end my Morning Routine.
Brunch time!
I hope you enjoyed this look into my mornings. Not everyday is exactly the same, but for the most part these are things I do most every day. Most of my Writing for my books, happens in the afternoons and sometimes at night before I start my nighttime routines. I didn't put everything in here. There were a few conversations and minor things I didn't bore you with. Thanks for joining me and hope to see you next week! God Bless!
Let me know some of your morning routines in the comments. I'd love to hear about them!
In Christ,
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