Monday, July 23, 2018

Family Interview: Part 2

Last week I had the honor of interviewing my husband. I know that may sound weird, but if you read last week's blog, you know why I did it. Although, I have been writing as a hobby most of my life, I did not seriously start my writing journey until a couple years ago. Before that, most of my adult life, has been spent as a Homemaker/Stay at Home Mom. So, going from a 24 hour, at your service kind of mom, to a stay at home and work at home mom. As you might can imagine, it has brought some changes.

It's not like I'm neglecting my babies, though. My baby in actuality is almost 17 and the rest of my kids have either married or are getting married soon. So, as my kids grew, I found I had more time to focus on myself and my dreams. If you have been following my blog (it would be easier, if you hit my follow button), then you have heard my point of view many times. I really wanted to hear my family's point of view, though. Hence, the family interviews. So, last week my husband, this week a few of my kids chime in.

I hope you enjoy hearing from them, as much as I did.

1.) Tell me a little about yourself.

Daughter 1:  

"July 28th, makes 6 years since I said,”I will” to my best friend, God blessed me greatly when He gave me my hubby. Since graduating college my ”job” though has been staying home with our three kids, and it is definitely the toughest but most rewarding job ever. I wouldn’t trade it for the world."

Daughter 2:

"I am daughter/child number 2 (and dare I say the best 😉)! Just like my mother I am an avid reader. Unfortunately I have been reading less and less over the last few years due to college. Now that I’ve graduated (as of May 2018) I am hoping that I will find more time now that I am not having to turn in homework or study. I will be getting married in August, and although that does not define who I am it is a big step in my life. In fact I’m going through several big changes this summer. I went through a teacher certification program, started looking for a job, looking for a place to live, and also looking for a new vehicle. With so many changes going on in my life I feel like I’ve been running around looking like a chicken with it’s head cut off. Granted at the end of the day my trust is in Jesus Christ and I know His will will be done and He knows what is best for me. So, with that as a constant remind I try to not let the struggles of life discourage me."

Son 1:

"My name is Nathan. I am the third kid and the eldest son of Sandy. I am married with a one month old son named Phillip.

Son 2:

"I'm the second son, fourth child. I'm about to be seventeen. I like video games. I like board games. I like doing stuff with friends. That's about it..."


"Married for almost 6 years to my beautiful and devoted wife. Together we have three great kids, under three. Also, I work as a teacher." (I'm so proud of y'all!)

2.) Tell me a little about your relationship with your Mother/Mother-in-Law, Sandy, before she began to seriously write.

Daughter 1:

"My mom and I have always been very different, I'm outgoing, and she's shy. I'm a thinker, and she's a dreamer. I'm a terrible cook and she makes kale taste good. You get the point, but since having children, my mother is no longer just my mother. She is the woman I run/cry too when I have no idea what I'm doing. My mother turned into my friend and our differences were no longer things to fight about, but were instead things that made us able to help each other." (You can come to me anytime! I love being your friend!)

Daughter 2:

"My mama has always been there for me. If I need someone to talk to, my mother is the person I go to. She would listen to me when I came home from college and tell her EVERY thing that happened in the last month. We can talk about anything: books, school, faith, plans, etc. My mom is a fun loving, quiet, godly woman and I am blessed to have her in my life." 💗

Son 1:

"My mom and I have always had a pretty good relationship. When we talk we like to joke around and laugh. She always did laugh the hardest when I stubbed my toe, though."
(Hmmm...I don't remember that toe incident...)

Son 2:

"It's good. It wasn't really much different then than it is now, except she's writing." 😀

3.) What are biggest changes to your family dynamics since your Mother/Mother-in-Law,  Sandy, started writing seriously?

Daughter 1:

"My mom now takes time for herself. I didn't even know she wanted to be a writer until a few years ago." (I'm trying to get better at talking about those things.)

Daughter 2:

"Not a whole lot of changes…just more adjustments here and there. If it’s computer camp month the likelihood of getting to talk or get attention is lower. Lunches might be skipped and whole days might go by without realizing she’s been in the same spot for hours. But otherwise things are pretty much normal. She’s just made room for her books." (I admit, I'm pretty serious about reaching my goal.)

Son 1:

"Since she has started writing, it seems like she's not just my mom who does mom things all the time, but she is also this creative, interesting, story teller that can write a book.  I didn't know she wanted to write or even knew it was something she would ever do." (Awww, thanks!)

Son 2:

"She's writing now instead of doing other things, she would be doing, if she wasn't writing. Specifically, instead she may have been reading a book, she's writing a book. So on and so forth..." (Yes, my reading time has decreased, except for my research. )


"She takes time to do the things she has always wanted to do." (I'm trying!)

4.) What are the biggest changes you've seen in your Mother/Mother-in-Law, Sandy, since she became a serious Writer?

Daughter 1:

"My mom is happy. I've never heard her talk as much or been as excited about anything. Except for maybe her recent discovery that organizing can be fun." (That was a surprising discovery!)

Daughter 2:

"Biggest change is that she doesn’t have as much time to talk or listen. I miss being able to just go talk whenever, but she’s just a little bit busier now, so I’ll have to find the times when she’s not doing anything. However, she is doing something for herself, and I am proud of her for following her dreams. She’s always done so much for everyone else. She’s become way more into organizing, too. Also, she’s become a pretty serious researcher, and I completely understand that as a history major. Sometimes you can get lost in all the cool information."

(Awww, I always want to talk and listen! Sometimes I just need a few minutes to finish my thoughts and get them on paper, before I forget. I love our conversations.)

Son 1:

"She has become more cheerful and is always happy to talk about her book and how it is coming."

Son 2:

"She seems more happy. She talks about writing a lot and that makes her happy."


"She's become really dedicated to her writing. Instead of taking time to watch tv, ect. She relaxes by writing."

5.) Overall, do you feel that the changes in your home and relationships are more positive or negative?

Daughter 2:

"Overall, I think it’s been a positive change. Like I said, there are a few things to get used to, but that just takes time. When she first started all of this I was up at college. So, it is still an adjustment I am trying to make."

Son 1:

"She's got all these random people supporting a blog and is even running a successful instagram account. I believe her writing has made her an all around happier person and just a little more young at heart." 😊

Son 2:

"Probably more positive, because it's a good conversation piece. We can talk about it and stuff and it's fun...ish." 😄

6.) How could the changes and relationships improve?

Daughter 2:

"Just don’t feel like you have to do something. If the blog doesn’t get up, just apologize and put it up the next day. It’s better to have quality work and family time than to be overly worried about making a quota. Plus, it will help you not to stress too much too." (I'll try to remember that.)

Son 2:

"I don't really see any need for changes."

7.) Anything else you want to add?

Daughter 2:

"I love you, Mom! Can’t wait to read your books!" (Love you, too! Thanks)

Son 1:

"I love you mom and I hope you are super famous one day." (Haha! Love you, too!)

Son 2:

"I hope you sell a lot of copies of your book. Godspeed." (I hope so, too!)


"I admire how she sets goals and works hard to achieve them." (Thank you! I admire you, too! You work so hard to be a good husband and daddy!)

Well, as you can tell, I am so blessed with a great family. I love you all so much kids and thanks for honestly answering my questions. As I said last time, if you are doing something new or making big changes in your life, that affects your family. Take time to listen to them. Families need to love and support each other. Follow your dreams, but don't forget your family and other loved ones. They still need you, even the grown up ones.

In Christ,



  1. what a brilliant idea, and what a great family! Love this. Thank you for sharing you through your kids. Loved the part about making kale taste good (I only spilled a little water laughing about that).

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! I got a laugh at some of the things they said, too! I didn't censor them or tell them what to say, so I really wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but I thought they did a good job. Thanks for the encouragement!
